Latinos In Action
- 14 States
- 10,000+ Students
- 98% Graduation Rate
- 350+ Schools

Mount Vernon High launched LIA in 2021 and currently offers it as a Dual Credit course. The Washington “famiLIA” has expanded to
3 schools in Mount Vernon and Bellingham school districts.
Forest Grove High launched LIA in 2021 and runs 4 class sections. Currently 3 schools run LIA in Oregon, in Forest Grove and Ontario school districts.
LIA reached “The Golden State” in 2018 and currently operates in 2 central California schools.
The Northeastern US introduced LIA in Connecticut in 2018. Currently 9 schools run our program in Hartford, Danbury, New Britain, and New London school districts.
Denver Public Schools brought LIA to Colorado in 2018 with 1 school. We have now grown to 13 schools in Adams 12, Aurora, Boulder Valley, Denver, Littleton, and Jeffco school districts.
The Grand Canyon State” launched LIA in Isaac School District in 2018. We have now grown to 4 schools in Arizona in Isaac, Mesa, and Phoenix school districts.
Leman Middle has pioneered LIA in West Chicago since 2017, and the school currently runs 5 sections of LIA.
Des Moines school district introduced LIA into 1 high school in 2019, and has since grown to 3 high schools.
Clark County school district jumped into LIA by launching 3 schools in 2019, and has since grown to 8 schools.
New York
LIA reached “The Empire State” in 2019, launching at Multicultural High. We have since grown to 3 schools in New York Public Schools and Hicksville school district in Long Island.
New Mexico
LIA signed a contract with the state of New Mexico to launch and grow Latinos In Action. Currently 4 schools have launched LIA in Albuquerque and Pecos school districts, with big plans for growth coming soon!
In 2001, Founder/CEO Dr. Jose Enriquez began the first class of Latinos In Action at Timpview High School in Provo, Utah. Since then LIA has grown to 130+ schools in 24 school districts.
Broward County school district brought LIA to the east coast with their 2014 pilot. Since then Florida has become the state with the most schools running LIA, reaching 160+ schools in 9 school districts.
One of LIA’s earliest adopters, Idaho has been running Latinos In Action at Jerome High School since 2012. We have grown to 14 schools in Blackfoot, Caldwell, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Kimberly, Minidoka, Preston, Teton, and Twin Falls school districts. Several LIA schools run the program as a Dual Enrollment course.